Frequently Asked Questions
Rebates, tax credits and federal/local incentive programs are accessible to make going solar that much more affordable. On average, homes with solar energy systems will increase $3000 per kilowatt system added.
Leasing solar panels will disqualify you from receiving both federal and local tax rebates. Most companies that lease out panels will collect your rebates. Instead of paying PSEG, you will actually be paying the solar company to which you leased the panels. When stuck in a lease, you don’t own the asset that is sitting on your roof, disqualifying you from your increased home equity. News 12 published an article explaining the controversy and complaints associated with LEASING solar: Read Here. Here at Patriot, our customers OWN their systems outright, and take advantage of all of the incentives and advantages of their system.
Solar energy is much cheaper than conventional energy because it is harnessed from the limitless light given off by the sun. Going solar will save you thousands over the long run. Isn’t it time you achieved energy independence?
Solar panels generally require very little maintenance . The panels should be cleaned and checked for debris every couple of years.
Still Have Questions?
If you still have any questions, just get in touch with one of our solar consultants and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.