Chase Bank LED Project

The installation of green power solar panels in New York City has seen a rise of up to 72% since 2012. We offer quality panels, on-time delivery, and professional installation and maintenance service for both industrial and residential solar panels. Our skilled team of experts strives to offer complete satisfaction to all our customers. Apart from our routine services, we also offer:
The free home energy audit
We offer professional and dedicated free home energy audit in New York, Brooklyn, and Long Island for all our potential customers. Our skill team analyze the property’s energy leakage and suggests the best ways to utilize the energy loss in an effective and efficient fashion. We guarantee up to 30% energy wastage retention to our customers.
Get an upgrade to your roof and structural damages
If you wish to increase your property value, we offer additional service for roof replacement and structural upgrades for all property owners in long island, New York and Brooklyn. After our free energy audit, we suggest the customer get an upgrade for the roof to avoid energy leakage and get a state of art heat sealant insulation installed to trap valued energy that escapes out due to wear and tear, cracks and damages in the roof.
Home Energy Efficient LED Lighting Design & Installations
Solar panels installation at residential sites is the need of the hour as an environmental concern as well as excess energy consumption. We offer energy efficient LED lightening design, installation, and supply services to our customers to help you save on energy consumption. Our professional team does a site reiki and accordingly suggests alternate solutions to conventional fluorescent lighting. LED lighting systems save equal to 50% lesser energy than conventional lights, which leads to massive utility savings as well as slashing the current costs by 50%.